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Cari Blog Ini

Author Description


Kim Jong Un The Supreme Leader Of North Korea


Kim Jong-Un: The Supreme Leader of North Korea

Early Life and Rise to Power

Kim Jong-Un was born between 1982 and 1984, the exact year being uncertain. Little is known about his early life and education.

He is the son of former North Korean leader Kim Jong-Il and his third wife, Ko Young-hee. Kim Jong-Un rose to power upon his father's death in 2011, inheriting the position of Supreme Leader and Chairman of the National Defense Commission.

Supreme Leader of North Korea

As Supreme Leader, Kim Jong-Un has consolidated his power over North Korea's political, military, and economic apparatus. He has initiated a number of policies, including nuclear and missile testing, economic reforms, and a "Byungjin" strategy that aims to develop both nuclear weapons and the economy simultaneously.

Under Kim Jong-Un's leadership, North Korea has faced international isolation, economic sanctions, and heightened tensions with South Korea and other neighboring countries.

Personal Life and Succession

Kim Jong-Un's personal life is shrouded in secrecy. He is married to Ri Sol-ju and has three children. Speculation exists about potential successors to Kim Jong-Un, but no clear successor has been designated.

