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Hulu And Fxs Culinary Series Returns On June 27

The Bear Season 3 Release Date Announced

Hulu and FX's culinary series returns on June 27

All 10 episodes will be released simultaneously

FX has announced that the third season of its beloved culinary series, The Bear, will premiere on Hulu on June 27. All 10 episodes of the season will be released simultaneously on that date.

The news was revealed in a teaser trailer for the series that was released on May 9. The trailer shows the cast and crew of The Bear hard at work preparing for the new season, which will see the restaurant finally open its doors to the public.

The Bear is a critically acclaimed comedy-drama series that follows the story of Carmy Berzatto (Jeremy Allen White), a young chef who returns to his hometown of Chicago to run his family's struggling Italian beef sandwich shop. The series has been praised for its realistic portrayal of the restaurant industry, its well-developed characters, and its sharp writing.

The third season of The Bear is expected to pick up where the second season left off, with Carmy and his crew trying to keep the restaurant afloat while also dealing with their own personal demons. Fans of the series are eagerly awaiting the new season, and the release date announcement is sure to have them even more excited.
